When to Pitch: Contributed Articles vs. Interviews

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Abi Blanchard
July 9, 2024
When to Pitch: Contributed Articles vs. Interviews

The media landscape is constantly evolving. And, as you’d expect, content and media relations strategies are changing with it. PR pros are facing the reality of a shrinking media landscape – fewer reporters, more pitches and less time for interviews.  

That said, there’s a time and a place to pitch a live interview, while other times it may make more sense to lean into bylines and written Q&As. To evaluate when to offer an interview vs. contributed content, you must ask yourself a few key questions:

  • What are the goals of your media strategy?  
  • What story are you trying to tell?  
  • Do you have compelling company or product news to share, timely insights on breaking news, or are you looking to build up your SMEs’ thought leadership platforms?
  • Ultimately, what value are you offering the reporter, publication, and their audience?

By asking yourself these questions and thinking critically about the end goal, you may begin to see clearly which tactic you should opt for – but there are a few other things to consider when deciding between offering an interview or contributed content.  


As PR professionals, we know there’s no better feeling than securing an interview with a reporter in a top tier publication and seeing that coverage publish. Especially one that’s been on your radar for quite some time. To secure one of those coveted interviews, you must be prepared to offer valuable insights and timely responses to your media contact.

To help stand out against competitors in a reporter’s inbox and score facetime with the media, it’s essential that you’re selective with who you’re pitching and what you’re pitching. Here are four things reporters may be interested in enough to take the time to meet with your SME:  

  • A timely perspective on breaking news: SME must be credible on the topic at hand; have an authoritative, unique POV to share
  • Interesting company and/or product news: Software/version updates are not typically interview-worthy, but disruptive new technology paired with strong data points might be  
  • Exclusivity: Whether it’s exclusive access to customers or guaranteed exclusivity on breaking company news, reporters are looking to provide value to their readers, not share old news or something that’s already been covered.
  • Access to your executives: Depending on the type of news you’re sharing, many reporters will want to speak with senior leaders (think: C-Suite, VPs/SVPs) and are often working against a tight deadline.
  • Bonus tip: If you decide to pursue an interview, consider the bandwidth and general availability of the SME you plan to offer – do they have the time to hop on a call and provide the media with valuable insights on the drop of a dime? Are they media trained and equipped to handle an interview? Are they willing to take part? In essence, is the juice worth the squeeze?

Be Selective

If, and when, you decide that offering up an interview is the right course of action, be selective. Be selective with your media targets and what you’re offering them. Be selective on the news you’re sharing, what you’re willing to divulge in an interview and what specific value you can offer a reporter. Prioritize value over volume.  

Lastly, consider the media publication you’re targeting with your pitch: Do their stories typically feature executive quotes? If so, what level or type of leader are they usually speaking with? If not, does contributed content make up the bulk of their coverage? If the answer to the latter question is yes, then it may be time to opt for a byline placement in lieu of an interview.  

Contributed Content

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the glitz and glam of securing an interview for one of your thought leaders, but you should not overlook the value of contributed content – especially when it comes to reaching your audience and driving controlled brand awareness. Strategic bylines and contributed commentary placements are incredibly effective for elevating the thought leadership platforms of your SMEs in front of industry decision makers and other key stakeholders.

Bylines are a great medium to share expertise and insight on industry-wide issues, offer vendor-neutral advice, and establish a solid foundation for your thought leaders’ zones of expertise. A bonus? Offering a unique perspective on an issue and delivering a well-written piece of content may help you establish a relationship with a publication that can result in other byline opportunities or maybe even an interview down the road.  

Another positive for contributed content? There are some publications that offer opportunities to regularly share a thought leader’s POV through a column and/or standing contributions.

  • Bonus tip: Create a regular cadence of coverage by securing a contributor role for one or two of your SMEs in a relevant trade publication. Not only does this help build up their thought leadership platform, but it offers a dependable stream of coverage that can be amplified by social media and your own marketing efforts. Think: newsletters, customer communications, and other marketing and sales channels.

Of course, there’s another avenue to consider when it comes to securing contributed content – paid placements. Paid opportunities come in a variety of shapes and colors, but each offers their own value. If you’re weighing your options between the likes of Forbes Council, Fast Company’s Executive Board and CNBC’s Tech Council, consider your executive’s bandwidth, their range of expertise on variety of topics and your overall budget, targeted audience and end goals. You may also opt for a package of sponsored articles in a top trade publication for your industry, or even a one-off here or there to support a big campaign or messaging push.  

At the end of the day, both contributed content and interviews offer touchpoints to connect with your target audience, but they’re not interchangeable and they ultimately serve different purposes. Ask yourself those key questions upfront and remember, not every announcement, news push or thought leadership initiative needs to result in an interview. Be strategic, selective and strive to use your SMEs’ time efficiently and effectively to maximize media coverage and reporter engagement.  

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At IQE, one of our goals is to demystify the vital role compound semiconductors play in the industry and the future of innovation. As we aim to broaden our brand's reach in the U.S. market, finding an agency that understands our technology and the intricacies of our work is crucial. Greenough Communications stood out as that agency from the start. In the short time we've worked together, they've already validated our choice with opportunities in key media, including CNBC, NPR, and the U.S. trade media that will move the needle for our brand and message. There's much ahead for us, and we're excited to have the Greenough team by our side.

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Greenough Communications has been more than just a PR agency for us at GlobalFoundries; they've been true partners. From navigating our IPO to driving impactful education campaigns like the one leading up to the passage of the CHIPS Act, they've been instrumental in showing the world our leadership role in this new technology era. Their knack for building connections with the industry and our team, including our executives, has been impressive. Every year, we throw new challenges their way, and they keep delivering. As we move ahead together, we're excited to keep pushing the boundaries, sharpening our brand narrative, and taking our brand awareness to the next level.

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